How to make handmade soap in Pakistan – Useful Guide

How to make handmade soap in Pakistan - Useful Guide

Are you thinking about launching your soap brand in Pakistan and exploring the possibility of entering the soap manufacturing market? Homemade soap may be the best option for you. In addition to being a lucrative venture, it is also an environmentally responsible one, gaining popularity amongst buyers. This blog will show you how to make organic homemade soap in Pakistan and offer advice on starting an online business in Pakistan.

Step 1: Collect the Necessary Equipment and Ingredients

The first step is to collect all the necessary soap making ingredients and formulas. Essential items for soapmaking include a digital scale, a thermometer, a mixing bowl, a stick blender, a silicone spatula, and soap molds. You’ll need a few different oils, including coconut, olive, palm, lye, distilled water, and aromatic essential oils. With the right soap making procedure and ingredients, you can make a good start!

Step 2: Safety First!

Lye is a caustic material that must be handled carefully because improper handling can result in severe burns. Prudence is needed while manufacturing soap when using lye. When handling this chemical, exercise extreme caution and wear safety gear such as gloves, goggles, and long sleeves to protect your hands, eyes, and body. When you’re in an environment free of distractions like crying children and snoring pets, getting things done is considerably simpler.

Step 3: Measure and Mix the Ingredients

Use separate digital scales to determine how much oil and lye you need. Before using, combine the lye with distilled water and let the solution cool to room temperature. Warm the oils to about 110 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit in a mixing dish. Slowly pour the lye into the oil basin, then mix the two using a stick blender once the lye and oils have achieved the appropriate temperatures. It will thicken up into a paste if you keep mixing it.

Step 4: Add Fragrance and Pour into Molds

After the mixture has thickened to the proper consistency, add the essential oil of your choice to impart a pleasant aroma and completely combine the soap-making ingredients. After that, pour the mixture into the soap molds and then wait for it to cool down and harden for a whole day.

Step 5: Cut and Cure the Soap

After waiting for 24 hours, take the soap out of the molds and cut it into bars of the size you like. To guarantee even drying, the bars should be flipped over once every few days as they dry on a rack for at least four weeks.

How to Start Your Own Business

It is time to launch your organic homemade soap business in Pakistan on the Internet now that you have completed the production of your initial batch of soap. Here are some tips on how to start a soap making business with nearly nothing:

Build a Website 

Make a website to advertise your handmade soaps and accept orders from clients interested in buying them online. While setting up your online store, you can use platforms such as Daraz or PakistanCreates, which is an online marketplace.

Promote on Social Media

Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to advertise your wares to a wide audience at a low cost

Give Away Free Samples

The best way to get people to try your product and provide feedback is to provide free samples. Customer confidence in your business can increase in response to rave reviews.

Attend Craft Fairs

Do things like going to craft shows Getting your artistic soaps out there and interacting with potential customers at events and craft fairs is a terrific idea. Through this, you can also connect with other soapmakers and potential suppliers.  


Creating organic handmade soap is a straightforward process that can be executed at home with only a few fundamental components and equipment. With the appropriate strategy, launching an online business in Pakistan that sells handcrafted soap goods has the potential to be a lucrative endeavor. Follow these tips to convert your hobby into a lucrative online endeavor and make a living doing something you love.


What is handmade soap, and why should I consider making it?

A bar of soap is considered handmade if it is produced by hand utilizing only natural components, such as oils, lye, and essential oils. Producing one-of-a-kind, high-quality goods that are in demand in Pakistan can be a satisfying and lucrative business endeavor if you make your soap by hand. In Pakistan, there is a demand for products of this type.

What are the benefits of making handmade soap?

Because it does not contain any harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances, handmade soap is mild and kind to the skin. Handmade soap has the added benefit of being customized to each customer’s preferences because of its smaller batch size.

Where can I find the ingredients to make handmade soap in Pakistan?

A: In Pakistan, you can find specialty shops, online sites, and even local markets that sell the components needed to produce your organic handmade soap. The components must be of high quality and sourced appropriately.

Do I need any special equipment to make handmade soap?

A: Yes, you will require some fundamental tools, such as a digital scale, a thermometer, a mixing bowl, a stick blender, and a mold for the soap. You can get these goods in stores specializing in cooking supplies or on the Internet.

Can I sell my handmade soap online in Pakistan?

You can sell your handmade soap online in Pakistan; that is the answer. However, obtaining all necessary licenses or permits and adhering to local rules is essential. To communicate with the people you want to buy your products, you must conduct successful marketing and visit famous marketplaces like Daraz and PakistanCreates.